-------is a transgenic variety of tomato | FLAVR SAVR |
-----------is a tree belonging to spices&Condiments | Tamarind |
--------------------is a tropical orchid spice | Vanilla |
--------------is a variety of Maize | Ganga hybrid-1 |
----------------is a variety of NUTMEG | IISR-Viswashree |
----------is a variety of PEPPER | Panniyur-1,2,3,4,5,6&7 |
------------is a varirty of Tapioca with 5-6 months duration | Vellayani Hraswa |
------is a virus disease of Okra | YELLOW vein mosaic |
----------------is a water-borne disease | bacterial leaf blight & SHEATH blight of PADDY |
--------------is an acute poison | ZINC PHOSPHIDE |
------------is an Amide fertilizer | Urea |
-----------is an annual weed plant | Leucas, Echinochloa |
--------is an anti juvenile hormone insecticide | PRECOSINE |
--------------is an anticoagulant Rodenticide | WARFARIN |
------------is an artificially pollinated spice crop | Vanilla |
-----------is an Auxin used as a herbicide | 2,4-D |
--------is an easy and effective test for diagnosing bacterial leaf blight disease in Rice | OOZE test |
-------------is an effective method for controlling pests of stored food grains in go downs | FUMIGATION |
--------is an egg parasite that can effectively control Rice stem borer & leaf folder | Trichogramma sp |
---------is an engineering | Mechanical method of soil and water conservation |
----------is an entomopathogenic fungus | Metarrhizium anisopliae |
-----is an entomopathogenic fungus used against Black pea aphid of Cow pea | Fusarium pallidoroseum |
-----------is an erosion resisting crop | Vetiver |
----------is an example for an antifungal antibiotic | AUREOFUNGINSOL |
---------is an excellent soil conserving crop | Vetiver |
-------is an extra short duration variety of Rice | Hraswa |
-----------is an extreme form of minimum tillage | Zero tillage |
--------is an important pest of Mango | Mango Hopper |
--------------is an indirect method of assessment of pests | REMOTE SENSING |
------------is an indoor garden in a glass box | TERRARIUM |
-----------is an insecticide that was banned from use recently owing to public health hazards | ENDOSULFAN |
---------is an instrument used to measure height , movement and velocity of clouds | NEPHALOSCOPE |
------------is an orchid plant made through Meristem culture | Mericlone |
-----------is an organic insecticide of animal origin | NEREIS TOXIN |
----------is an organism that eats more than one other organism during its life | PREDATOR |
-------------is an ornamental bulbous plant | Tuberose |
-------------is an ornamental shrub | Duranta |
---------is any activity that modifies the visible features of an area of land, including living elements such as flora or fauna | Landscaping |
-----------is applied to induce flowering in Pineapple | Ethephon |
-------------is commonly intercropped with Tapioca | Groundnut |
-------------is considered as the father of tillage | Jethro Tull |
-------is defined as the mass of a unit volume of dry soil which include soil particles and soil pores | BULK DENSITY |
------is disease caused by Phytoplasma in coconut | ROOT WILT |
-------------is effective for the management of SHEATH blight & bacterial leaf blight of PADDY | pseudomonas |
---------is effective in the bio-control of Rhinoceros BEETLE | BACULOVIRUS |
----------is India’s first agricultural University | Uttar Pradesh Agricultural University later known as Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology |
-------------is known as ‘Black Gold’ | Petroleum |
----------is known as ‘THE Island of cloves’? | Zanzibar |
-----------is known as ‘THE spice garden ‘ of Kerala | Idukki |
---------------is known as ‘WONDER NUT’ | cashew nut |
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