3.1: Agricultural / Agro. Meteorology
3.2 : Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry/ Soil Conservation and Water Management/
SWC/ Irrigation and Water Management,
3.3: Agricultural Physics,
3.4: Agricultural
3.5: Environmental Science.
Importance of Agriculture in national
perspective; basic principles of crop production, diversification,
diversification of Agriculture, principle of nutrient and water management,
package of practices for rice, wheat sorghum, maize, chickpea, pigeon pea,
potato, sugarcane, groundnut, major vegetable crops. Role of essential plant
nutrients, their deficiency symptoms and management options. Structure and
function of plant cells, cell division, Basic concept of plant physiology
relating to crop production- Biochemical compounds
viz, carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes,
fats, liquid vitamins and their function, developmental programmes relating to rural
upliftment and livelihood security; organisational set up of agricultural education
research and extension and future strategies for up gradation.
Volumetric and gravimetric
analysis including complexmetric methods, periodic classification of element, Basic
principle of instrumental analysis including spectro-photometry (Absorption and
emission spectrography), Atomic structure –elementary concept of radioactivity,
element and compound common ion effect, solubility product— hydrolysis of
salts, buffer solution indicates equivalent weights and standard solution.
Elementary concepts of organic compounds-
nomenclature and classifications including hydrocarbons, alcohol, aldehydes,
acids and esters, carbohydrates, fats and liquids, amino acids, nucleic acids.
Pesticides, their classification and uses; biopesticides and botanical
Soil as a medium for plant growth,
composition of earth’s crust, weathering of rocks and minerals, components of
soil- their importance, soil profile, soil partials- physical mineralogical and
chemical nature. Mechanical analysis, Stokes law, assumptions, limitations and
applications. Soil, physical properties- density, porosity, texture, soil structure
and their brief descriptions. Rheological properties in soils, calculations of porosity
and bulk density. Soil air-Aeration, causes of poor aeration, factors affecting
aeration, importance for plant growth. Soil temperature - sources and losses of
soil heat. Factors affecting soil temperature, its importance in plant growth.
Soil water- structure of water, soil-water-energy relationship,
classifications, surface tension and movement in soil. Soil colloids-
properties, structure of silicate clay minerals, sources of negative charges,
properties, kaolinite, illite, montmorillonite and vermiculite clay minerals,
milli-equivalent concept , cation exchange capacity, anion exchange capacity, buffering
of soils. Problem soils- acid, saline, sodic and acid sulphate soils – their
characteristics, formation, problems and management. Irrigation, water quality
and its evaluation. Waterlogged soils- basic features, distinction with upland soils.
Essential plant nutrients-
criteria of essentiality, functions for plant growth, mechanisms for movement
and uptake of ions in soils and plants, Forms of nutrients in soils, deficiency
symptoms on plants, luxury consumption, nutrient interactions and chelated micronutrients.
Soil fertility, evaluation and management for plant growth, soil testing and
fertilizer recommendations. Soil classifications- diagnostic surface and sub-
surface horizons, soil survey- types, objectives, uses, land capability classifications.
Remote sensing and its application in agriculture, SIS, GIS and GPS- basic features
and uses in agriculture, Elementary concepts of radio isotopes and uses in
agriculture. Soil micro-organisms, Classifications and their roles. Organic
matter- decomposition, C:N ratios, mineralization and immobilization processes,
humus, role of organic matter in soil quality. Soil erosion, types and control
measures. Fertilizers and manures- classifications, NPK fertilizers, their
reactions in soils, green manuring, recycling of organic wastes, composting.
Soil and water pollution- sources, brief idea about different pollutants in soils
and their managements.
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